Editing style: informative, not too busy. If you can find an example of said lambo-driving losers being like “my first airbnb pays my mortgage. my second airbnb pays my car loan” or hwatever tf that could be fun too.

BC is cracking down on short term rentals like Airbnbs, forcing hosts to use Airbnb as it was originally designed — to rent a room in your house. Where you live. No longer will you see investors bragging in their lambs about having 15 properties that they airbnb out — and they’re already crying about it all over the internet. You love to see it.

But does Airbnb really make housing unaffordable? Well, yeah, actually. Any small change in the supply of housing, especially in big cities like Vancouver and Victoria, has an outsized impact on the price: or inelastic demand, if you’re a nerd. So even though this will only free up around 16,000 homes, the math shows that it could have a very noticeable impact on rent. And now, the federal government is considering doing the same. But what’s really causing Canada’s housing crisis isn’t just Airbnb — three quarters of properties not owned by individuals are owned by corporations in BC, and investors hold about 1 in every 5 homes in Canada. Just because we’ve shut off one source of income for these lambo-driving hustle-culture parasites doesn’t mean the work is done.